Vivien Lohse




Once your pregnancy has been confirmed by a doctor, you are entitled to recie ve midwife care for the duration of your pregancy and beyond.


Please contact me early in your pregnancy to schedule the necessary appointments.

This service is coverd by public health insurance companies.


Acupuncture and taping

During pregnancy it is important to prepare your body for the birth of your baby. You can do this with acupuncture starting from 36,0 weeks of gestation.


Please contace me 6-8 weeks prior to your due date to schedule an appointment.

This is generally not covered by insurance companies and the costs for this service is 30€ per session.

Acupuncture and tapes can also help to relieve you from pain and discomfort. This also is not coverd by health insurance and costs for this service are 20€ per acupuncture session or 10€ per tape treatment.


Post partum care

Once your baby has arrived, I will visit you at home to guide you through the first weeks post partum.


I will be checking your baby's development and answer your questions around post partum care for you or your baby and guide you through your early breastfeeding journey, weaning etc.

This service is covered by your health insurance.

 I look forward to accompanying you in this exciting time.
